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Australia’s leading independent education content providerPublished since 1997, Education Review is Australia’s leading independent K–12 education print and digital content provider. Our widely respected journalists engage an audience of more than 80,000 educators every month, delivering over 35,000 leads a year in an industry worth about $84 billion per annum. We are widely read by principals, teachers, government and independent school governing bodies, school boards and support staff. IBIS reports: “Through 2016–17, the education sector’s revenue is forecast to expand by 3.6% per annum, to a total of $100.6 billion.” Our unique product mix of audio, video, print and digital solutions helps suppliers generate more leads than anyone else, through our access to exclusive subscription media audiences. If you’re looking to create better connections or generate immediate leads in the K–12 education sector, contact us today. CREATIVE ADVERTISING ADVERTORIAL The idea is to present an existing problem or condition in a written one-page article and then provide a solution – your product or service! As a bonus, you can accompany your advertorial with a full-page advertisement to reinforce brand awareness. PODCASTS |
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